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Dangerously High Lead Chromate Levels Detected on HIYA Brand Children’s Vitamin Bottle

Dangerous Product Report

Product Name: HIYA Multivitamin for Kids

Date Range Sold:

At least since October 2023


HIYA Health, LLC

Incident Details:

  • Description: This children’s vitamin bottle was found with visible damage caused by teething. Approximately 35 square mm of paint is missing from the surface due to bite marks.

  • Cause of Missing Paint: Teething.

  • Lead Concentration in Paint: The paint was tested using a Niton XL5 Plus XRF analyzer in both soil and industrial paint mode, revealing a concentration of 350 micrograms of lead per square centimeter (350 µg/cm²).

Here is a macro shot of one of the teething areas, along with a 1mm thick tungsten wire for comparison.

Size of Missing Paint:

  • Surface Area of Missing Paint: 35 mm²

Amount of lead missing:

  • Estimated Blood Lead Level (BLL): Based on an estimated 80% absorption rate, estimate that ~ 98 µg of lead could have entered the bloodstream.

    This could result in a potential elevated BLL of approximately 17.5 µg/dL assuming a baseline of 0. This happened in 5 minutes.

This product was purchased in October of 2023, and the child teethed on it probably within the next 4 months. The mother has told me she made plans to get the child tested.

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