Dangerous Product Report

Product Name: HIYA Multivitamin for Kids
Date Range Sold:
At least since October 2023
HIYA Health, LLC
Incident Details:
Description: This children’s vitamin bottle was found with visible damage caused by teething. Approximately 35 square mm of paint is missing from the surface due to bite marks.
Cause of Missing Paint: Teething.
Lead Concentration in Paint: The paint was tested using a Niton XL5 Plus XRF analyzer in both soil and industrial paint mode, revealing a concentration of 350 micrograms of lead per square centimeter (350 µg/cm²).
Here is a macro shot of one of the teething areas, along with a 1mm thick tungsten wire for comparison.

Size of Missing Paint:
Surface Area of Missing Paint: 35 mm²
Amount of lead missing:

Estimated Blood Lead Level (BLL): Based on an estimated 80% absorption rate, estimate that ~ 98 µg of lead could have entered the bloodstream.
This could result in a potential elevated BLL of approximately 17.5 µg/dL assuming a baseline of 0. This happened in 5 minutes.
This product was purchased in October of 2023, and the child teethed on it probably within the next 4 months. The mother has told me she made plans to get the child tested.
Please consider spending 6 minutes to report this product...
How to start (6 seconds)
Click or type this web address into your browser, it will open a new tab.
What to do next (6 seconds)
Click on "Report Now"

The Big Time Commitment (6 Minutes Total)
Broken down into 4 easy steps.
First Click REPORT AN UNSAFE PRODUCT (7 Seconds)

Give some background (about 1 minute)

This is the longest/hardest part (2 minutes)

You can upload photos here—I highly recommend showing them the product, any damage to it, and a photo of the bottle glowing green from Fluorospec.

Next, describe who was affected (1 Minute)

I recommend you give the most accurate information you can here. If you are awaiting blood test results, include that information.
The penultimate step! (1 Minute)
Don't worry, CSCP will not share your information with the manufacturer or the public without your consent. They will read your report and take action, whether you choose to share your name or not. If you choose not to share your name, your report will not be shared publicly on the CSPC website.

And finally, confirm your submission (1 Minute)

Double check everything and submit your report!

AAAAND just like that, you have made the world a little safer
Everyone appreciates finding out about potential danger before tragedy strikes.
I sincerely appreciate your willingness to help others, please use code DETECTLEAD20 on this site to get 20% off any testing supplies.
You are to be commended!
Thank you Eric!